Thursday, June 24, 2021

Deconstructing "The Dasgupta Review"

 A controversial examination of "biodiversity economics"---

I believe the scholarly article found at the link above is right on the mark.  The commodification of Nature in general is fraught with serious problems.  More importantly, it appears to avoid what's really needed in order to stop and reverse biodiversity lossa paradigm shift away from neoclassical/neoliberal economics.

Putting a seemingly Green twist on such economics will not suffice.  Offsetting, creating "natural capital" financial MARKETS, etc., is still tinkering around the edges of the problem.  Such markets rarely, if ever, have been kind to natural ecosystems.

Above all else, two things are crucial to quelling our ongoing Eco-Crisis:  the natural, voluntary reduction of human population; and the complete shift away from neoliberalism and its failed economics.  The first can be accomplished through education and incentives.  The second, believe it or not, will be a tougher nut to crack.  Recent history proves it to be such.  Neoliberal economics should be long gone by now; however, ongoing Edward Bernays style propaganda and indoctrination keep it hanging on.  It will take persistent and consistent education to break it loose.  So far, catastrophes resulting from adherence to neoliberalism have not done the job, which I find baffling.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Political Corruption Reigns Supreme in the USA

Here's how to combat it peacefully---
The video is about six years old, but still applies today.

Another of my comments on it is posted here---

I've been preaching this for about 20 years, and Harvard Prof Lessig explains it better than I ever could.  Every adult in the world should watch this short video.  Here is PRECISELY how corruption operates in the USA.  It has been going on for decades, and continues today.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Thursday, June 10, 2021


The elephant in the room.  No one in power wants to talk about it.  Denial is the order of the day.

Sustainability will be elusive until we recognize and deal with the problem of overpopulation.  It could be addressed with education and incentives, but politicians are loathe to even broach the subject.

The brief article at the link above delves into important aspects of this situation.  Highly recommended.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Saturday, June 5, 2021

"We Are a Plutocracy: Jeffrey Sachs Slams Biden for..."

 At the link below is a brief, 3-part post of mine.  For Parts 2 & 3, look below the photo at the link.

The piece is from Democracy Now.

In general, Plutocrats are committed to unlimited growth and overconsumption. If ever we are to reach sustainability goals on Spaceship Earth, we must stop allowing the Super-Rich to rule the roost. Step One would seem to be: get private mega donations out of political election campaigns.

The Plutocrats claim such money is "free speech". Not when it's given to candidates or their campaigns, it isn't. It's then nothing more than corruption, buying influence. The use of it would be free speech if the donor used it to run an ad in the media, expressing support for the candidate. This is not rocket science. 😌 It's merely common sense.

Get mega money out of politics.
Not only my opinion. Be Well