Thursday, April 22, 2021

"Decolonization or Extinction: Indigenous Red Deal Lays Out Plan to Save the Earth"

At the link above, two indigenous scholars lay out the following.
1.  How/why we're still tinkering around the edges of solving the Socio-Eco-Econ-Ethical Crisis upon us.
2.  Neoliberalism, neocolonialism, and neoimperialism still are the flavor of the day.
3.  The Biden Crew is not adequately addressing the above problems.
4.  Our relationship with Earth is in dire need of a paradigm shift.

The lambasting of Biden may seem excessive to some, but I believe it's right on the mark.  Like Obama, he's a wolf in sheep's clothing when it comes to the Oligarchy v. the rest of us, or ecological ethics v. mega corporate greed.  [Nevertheless, both men are orders of magnitude better than Trump.  But that alone will not rescue Homo sapiens from disaster.]

The two interviewees are proposing the adoption of  ecoethics, and that's the first step toward sustainability.
Not only my opinion.  Happy Trails

Saturday, April 17, 2021

The real reason why we're still in Afghanistan...

and never will leave completely unless we undergo a paradigm shift in economics.  [Article by James Risen.]

Almost fifteen years ago, the USGS and the Pentagon discovered the probability is extremely high that Afghanistan is awash in mineral riches totaling about one trillion dollars.  Not only common minerals such as iron and copper are buried there, but those crucial to modern day industry (e.g., lithium) as well.

The world is at a point where mineral resources - especially rare earth minerals - are more and more difficult to access.  Afghanistan has never been mined to any significant degree.  Done in 2007, the USGS used highly sophisticated aerial survey equipment in a study which shows the country is ripe for extremely productive mining.

World leaders who are not pursuing sustainability are prone to believe that when it comes to critical natural resources, it's a "dog-eat-dog" world.  Sometimes such thinking results in long-term planning involving resource wars, or financial wars, or best case - diplomacy.  For decades, we've had all the above on planet Earth.

One way or another, the richer countries are going to get access to needed natural resources.  That's especially true when the country is on an unsustainable path, which currently is the case in the USA and many other well-off nations.

Sustainability is one of the keys to a peaceful future.  Ecological economics is the best path forward.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Monday, April 5, 2021

Wisdom, Indeed

 These gems of wisdom apply not only to the paradigm shift to sustainability, but also to almost any field of endeavor.

Professor Hill (a social ecologist) has compiled a list of ideas which are both brilliant and crucial to the implementation of significant change.  If ever there was a time for positive collaboration, ecoethics, and dedication to a bright, sustainable future, that time is now.

KUDOS to Stuart B. Hill, and profuse thanks.
Not only my opinion.  Happy Trails